When ideal customers drink iced coffee in the dark…

Right now, I’m sitting in a dark corner of my local car dealership because I totally waited until the last second to get my car inspected.

And because I can work from anywhere, I’m taking client calls over Skype.

And that makes my job awesome!

Because there are other people who have to go to the same office, every day. And do a job they hate, every day.

I say no to that.

As I look around me I see:

  • an old printer that has faded to that unique shade of yellow only electronics can wear,
  • a broken automatic light switch (which means I’m writing to you in the dark, by the light of my laptop screen), and
  • a half-drunk travel cup of iced coffee that I brought with me. (Delightful, btw, but gone way too fast.)

And I hear this: The sound of a happy email reader telling me (over Skype) how I solved his biggest marketing problem: how to figure out your customers… no matter what niche you’re in.

And that is the best sound ever.

Because while I sit here writing to you, there are people out there rereading their copy of the 9 Hidden Questions. And they’re puzzling out who their ideal buyer is.

And they are implementing what they learn and making more money because of it!

And. That. Is. Great.

So I’m writing you to say this:

Thank you for downloading the 9HQ report. Thank you for reading my emails. And thank you for taking the time to understand your customers better. It is super important. It really is.

And to let you know:

If you’d like to know who your ideal buyer is, we can sort that out in about 15 minutes by Skype. It’s a free consultation. There’s no obligation. Click here to reserve your spot.

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