She was an imposing woman:
6 feet tall. Unruly, curly brown hair that flopped over her right eye.
And these heels…
Purple suede, strappy, stiletto heels that said, “Cross me, I dare you.”
I loved her from the start.
Then I noticed she had a sidekick.
Because, if you’re the sort of person who’s going to take over the world, you need a sidekick. Going alone is not an option.
So, we’re going around the room introducing ourselves. To each student, she says, “Hello. It’s nice to meet you.”
And sometimes, she nods reassuringly and says, “Don’t worry about a thing. We’re going to solve that writing problem today.”
Then I introduced myself (and I might possible have told a joke… who can remember really 😉 )… and my brandy-new teacher says, “Oh! You like to flirt. Well, this is going to be a fun class.”
At first I felt a little embarrassed. Then I realized how dead on she was… because what is copywriting other than flirting?
That was my big epiphany o’ the day: Copywriting = flirting to sell.
My grandma used to say, “You’ve got to show a little leg… and take it right back!” Even in her 90s, that woman knew how to charm people and get stuff done.
A hero, that one.
Every time I make my signature fried chicken, I think of her teaching me the secrets to life: How to knock out a killer batch of fried chicken… and how to shine bright like a diamond.
That woman was made of sass and magic.
When I grow up, I’m going to be just like her.
So take that, Katie B! (And btw, I ADORE your shoes!)
Okay. Good talk. Carry on.
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