Today, I was sitting on the couch reading Old Man and the Sea with my 15yo.
Suddenly, I hear a horn honk.
I jump.
Then, I hear another one… and another… and then a whole bunch more.
I look out the window and I see a parade!
The teachers in my town organized a “we miss you” parade for the elementary school kids.
They decorated their cars and drove through every neighborhood, honking and waving.
The kids stood outside with their own “We love you, we miss you” signs.
It was the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen.
I cried.
My kids teased me, because I’m not usually a waterworks.
I took a video, so you could see.
Look carefully at the right side of the screen, close to the street. Can you see the second grader standing next to her mom and holding a sign?
Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:
1- Here’s a free training I did about my 9 Buyers System. One copywriter used it to write a FB ad for his fitness client that turned $100 ad spend into $1100 of revenue during the U.S. Coronavirus quarantine. Watch it and see if you can use it for your business.
2- I write direct response copy for health businesses. I also consult with businesses on positive psychology strategies for increasing sales. If you need help repositioning your offer or your messaging, I’m offering a discounted rate on consulting. You can check it out here.